Contribute to regenerating aussie soil.



Carbon8 would like to thank our fundraising partner, Odonata.  Both partners share a common objective of supporting the community and raising funds for a diverse range of projects designed to enhance Australia’s biodiversity,  raising awareness of the plight of Australia’s native plants, animals and habitats, and by implementing projects to improve our environment and communities.

The impact of your contribution


Transition our farmers

Your contribution helps us transition as many farmers as possible to regenerative agriculture, ensuring the farmer has the latest knowledge helping them be successful getting carbon back into their soil.


Reverse climate change

Your participation in the program for one year will help drawdown around 1,000 tonnes of atmospheric CO2 per hectare into the farmers’ soil.  One person giving $8 a month offsets eighty people who are yet to get involved.


Heal our food chain

You participate in healing our food chain. By increasing carbon, we create healthy living soil which removes farmer reliance on chemicals, so that you can buy food for your family that is high in nutrition and goodness and free of toxins and poisons.


Protect our animals and insects

You participate in regenerating and protecting our biodiversity, helping to restore our natural habitat, the protection of wildlife and the future of our very important bugs, bees and butterflies.


Support our Barrier Reef

You help reverse the damage done by industrial farming to the oceans and our Great Barrier Reef, by removing chemicals that get carried into the oceans through water runoff.


Plant a greener culture

You help support the restoration of trees, native vegetation and forests as regenerative farmers integrate the benefits of nature back into their farming methods.